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Creative Producing

Creative producing goes beyond merely dealing with budgets, overseeing crews, and managing production logistics. It delves into a realm far more imaginative and visionary. When you have a creative producer on board, they become the bridge that seamlessly connects the scriptwriter's creativity with the financial constraints, all while preserving the artistic flow.

In the realm of creative production, this role takes on the form of a master orchestrator, bringing together different facets of a project with a unique perspective. The creative producer acts as a catalyst, fostering a harmonious synergy between the writer's imagination and the director's vision. Simultaneously, they play a pivotal role in assisting the lead producer in maintaining fiscal responsibility, all without compromising the project's quality.


For collaboration, you can contact Here 


Previous Creative Producing Projects



TV Production

  • Al Batal Season 2 -  Executive producer, FOX Movies, FOX and Icflix 2014


Feature films


Born a King (Creative media solutions) 


In Development

  • Montreal - Ameen Nayfeh 

  • Finding Oum Al Ghaith - Abeer Bayzidi

Digital Production

The Shadow 

Berlin Camp - Showrunner, Executive Producer and Director

Zika Boys - Showrunner, Executive Producer and Director


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